House of Healing Berlin


Refine the visual identity and website for House of Healing as it expands into a new premesis and customer base


Visual Identity, Branding, Social Media, UX, UI, Visual Design, Stakeholder Alignment


  • The brand and visual identity seamless rolled out over digital and physical touchpoints
  • The brand has been fluid enough to work in mail drops, menus, sinage, t-shirts, apps and more
  • The aesthetic perfectly matches the meticulous vision the founder has for his space
  • HOH continues to grow both digitally and physically
House of Healing

Photography by Jordana Schramm - View her full portfolio here


I worked directly with the founder of House of Healing  to set a direction for the type of clientele he wanted to attract. Once this had been establish, we looked at the existing brand and found ways to capture the essence of it, while refining the aesthetic to work in a vareity of touchpoints, from physical signs to favicons and email blasts.

Coming from an architecture background, the founder already had an extremely thorough appreciation for aesthetics. This, combined with our aligned direction made the project hassle-free. The new brand captured what worked about the old brand, but streamlined it visually and thematically.

This was done by slightly simplifying the logo and picking a typeface that would resonate more effictively with Houe of Healing's new clientele. A subtle colour system was introduced that was mirrored in the interior design of the studio.

The website was also overhauled to match the new visual direction. As the website was being used every day by customers to shop and book classes, the user experience had to be of highest priority in order to minimise disturbance to the business. The new UX and visuals also had to work with a range of booking, and online store plugins.

To compliment the website and brand redesign, a full suite of social media icons and template were developed, in addition to custom email designs.



House of Healing is now operating in two locations in Berlin. The brand is instantly recognisable on social media and in person.


Selected Works

Google Digital GarageProduct, UI, UX

Magpie AIProduct, UI, UX, Research

HSBCProduct, UI, UX

Origin AIBranding, Design Direction, UI, UX, Product

Clean Future FundBranding, Visual Direction, Strategy

ExodusProduct, UI, UX, Design Direction, Branding

HubrickProduct, UI, UX

SportninjaProduct, UI, UX, Branding, Strategy

Bain & CompanyProduct, UI, UX, Branding, Leadership, Strategy


If you like what you see or have any questions, get in touch. 

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